Thank you to Ana Maria Menezes that gave my blog an award and considered that "It's worth keeping an eye on this blog"

The chosen blog has to copy the picture, with a link to the blog from which it has received the award . Then write ten more links to the blogs which are well worth a visit. 
Spread the wealth and share the websites that you think are worth paying a visit: = I really like to follow this blog because Kyle Judkins has interesting and useful posts. = Great classroom website. Definitely worth a visit. = Mrs. Lofton's classroom blog. Full of great ideas check it out. = Very cute blog and Kelly Malinowski has just got her own domain. = Mr. Lind is a great teacher that wrote wonderful books to help children decoding/ read. = I love to follow Ana Maria's creativity.  = I like to follow Katelyn Rangel's cute blog.
My Classroom Website = Cheesy but worth taking a look :-) =  I always check this website for ideas. Learning With Computer group is busy so the website has older posts but it's worth checking. = If you like scrapbooking you will find great ideas here.


A teacher from Brazil and I had an idea of integrating technology to connect our students so my students asked some questions to her students... We can't wait for the answers!! :-))

Take a listen!

Here are their answers. Thank you for the answers! Great job. Special thanks to Ana Maria Menezes :-)

Trying out Scrapblog

This is an amazing web tool that I came across. It is easy and very simple to use! I decided to give it a shot and try it out. There are many features that we are able to incorporate in our presentation but I did not have the creativity to add at this time. Tools such as the ability to make use of different frames, add videos or voice, among others.

Check out my second attempt of the scrapblog tool:

If you can't see the scrapblog above Click Here.

Trying Tagxedo

TAGXEDO This is a great web tool. Thanks to Ana Maria Menezes again for showing us this amazing tool with loads of possibilities!

Check Mark with words from my classroom blog (Sudley E.S.) The only down side I have noticed is that when you create the word cloud the words move and as you put your cursor on them they get bigger. However when you save your work this feature is lost so the possibility of movement is not shown! :-(
It does not mean it is not neat though!

Best of the Web Nominee!

Thank you everyone for your support and votes :-) We are in... Our classroom website has a chance to win in one of the three categories below:

■Top 21st Century Community

Highlights teachers using the Classroom Page as a true, centralized communication hub. Judges will look at Student Participation Reports and effective and consistent use of all available FusionTools including: Multimedia Blogs, Message Center, Homework Drop Box, etc.

■Most Creative Integration with Other Teaching Tools

The winners of this award will show mastery and successful integration of external media into class projects, discussions, etc. External media includes Smart Boards, iPods, video cameras, Kindles, eReaders, etc.

■Most Innovative Use of Web 2.0

Who is using SchoolFusion in ways we haven’t imagined? The winners of this award will show the most innovative usage of our Web 2.0 tools as a teaching method.

Click here to see our Classroom Poster!

The Phantom of the Opera

My husband and I love going to plays and we enjoy doing something special for our b'days. Last year for my birthday we went to New York to watch the Lion King at Broadway. It was an amazing play and it was extra special because it was my husband's first time in NY. We are always working so hard that when we have the oportunity we like to treat ourselves to theaters, plays, shows, circus, etc.  
This year for my husband's birthday we are going to Baltimore to watch The Phantom of the Opera. Have you ever gone to a theater to watch this play? What do you think of it?

The Crazy Professor Reading Game!

A friend of mine Ana Maria Menezes sent me this video by e-mail. The title is "The Crazy Profesor Reading Game."  It is a great video showing how to engage your students in reading activities! Enjoy watching it :-)

If you haven't already NOMINATE our classroom now!

Dear fellow readers of  2 teach is 2 touch lives 4 ever,

The SchoolFusion of Prince William County webpage is giving all the teachers the oportunity to win a prize for their Classroom Page.

Anyone can nominate a Classroom Page by simply clicking on the Best of the Web icon found at the top of every Classroom Page. Nominations are open from April 1-9, 2010. You can help my school webpage and our classroom to win the prize by simply clicking on the word NOMINATE and giving us your help! :-)

It is very easy! Just by clicking on the word nominate bellow you will access our school webpage (the picture shows our webpage and on the top right where you can see an arrow it is where you should click if you would like to give us your vote). Thank you for all your help and support!

Nominate our Classrom Page Now!

Check out the Prizes if our classroom webpage wins :-)

The owner of each winning Classroom Page will receive the following:

Flip Mino Camera ($150 value!)
Plaque with your name and winning category for you to keep!
$20 gift card to Barnes & Noble!
A free webinar for your school!